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How To : Remove passwords / editing restrictions on MS Word and Excel Files

Have you ever come across a word or excel document that was ‘password protected’ – where certain parts of the document you were unable to edit? Frequently these are used in business settings, and with good reason – to protect formulas, proprietary information, sections of…

Using Euclid Network’s Logmein PRO Remote Access Portal

For current partners on IT support plans, we offer a complimentary remote access portal, utilizing a full featured license to LogMeIn PRO. This license is valid for all the machines you currently have on a plan with us, and the remote access portable is configurable…

Windows Update / Windows Defender gives error 0x8024401C

We see this error typically when there is a network connectivity problem between Windows Update or Windows Defender, and Microsoft’s servers. This problem can occur even when the machine in question has access to the internet, if there is a problem with the windows firewall,…

How To : Open an “Elevated Command Prompt”

Elevated command prompts are often used to carry out tasks with full administrator rights to your computer. In most cases, you will not want to execute programs with administrator rights, as it opens your system up to security vulnerabilities. Typically you would want to check…

Deleting files from old Offline File Cache in Windows 7 or XP

As network support providers, we frequently come across come across scenarios where a computer on a business domain has a user profile that has old Offline File Cache data in it. Typically, the user account has moved to a new domain, or is pointing to…

Windows won’t start after Microsoft Update installation

Windows won’t start after update installation This is a common problem we run in to while providing IT support with older computers. After applying a Microsoft Update patch, windows will partially boot, or not boot at all. Most of the times, windows will boot to…

USB Displayport Adapter causing BSOD with Intel HD4000 Graphics

This computer problem was a bit tough for us to figure out originally. We had a local IT partner who was getting the blue screen of death when their USB to VGA displayport adapter was plugged in to their Asus Vivobook S400CA laptop computer running…

How to : Move Mozilla Thunderbird Profiles to a new (or different) computer in Windows 7

Moving profiles for the Thunderbird e-mail client is a pretty common task we have to do for support partners who get a new office computer, and use Thunderbird. Thankfully, unlike Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird profiles are relatively easy to copy over between computers – thanks Mozilla!…

Unable to join Windows 7 Workstation to SBS 2008 Domain

“Your computer could not be joined to the domain because : An attempt to resolve the DNS name of a domain controller in the domain being joined has failed.” We run into this error a lot on improperly configured SBS 2008 domain servers. The issue…

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